jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Operaciones de conformado de metales. Metal Shaping

Basic Hammering Technique
Similar to driving a nail with a claw hammer, always grip toward the end of the handle for leverage. Unlike hammering a nail, you'll be doing zero swinging with your arm; it's all in the wrist. The correct method is to go with the natural rhythm of the hammer as it bounces off the dolly. If your arm is getting tired, you're putting far too much effort into it. Some prefer to extend their pointer fingers up the hammer's handle for increased control, especially in delicate situations.

Remember that sheetmetal is actually fluid, and hammering on-dolly is used for stretching. For correct technique, the face of the dolly and hammer should sandwich the metal, making a sharp ting sound and bouncing off the face of the metal.

Hammering off-dolly is used to equalize highs and lows. This is the technique used for working out dings and waves in sheetmetal.

I am employed at cold environment or minor refers to the work to temperature. This work happens on having applied a major effort that the resistance of cedencia original of metal, producing simultaneously a deformation. The principal advantages of the work in cold sound: better precision, minor tolerances, improve ended superficial, possibilities of obtaining properties of direction wished in the final product and major hardness of the parts.Nevertheless, the work in cold has some disadvantages since it needs major forces because the metals increase his resistance due to the hardening for deformation, producing that the effort needed to continue the deformation increases and offsets the increase of the resistance.
Work in warm defines as the plastic deformation of the metallic material to a major temperature that that of recrystallization. The principal advantage of the work in warm consists of the obtaining of a plastic almost unlimited deformation, which in addition is adapted to mold big parts because the metal has a low resistance of cedencia and a high ductility. The benefits obtained with the work in warm sound: major modifications to the form of the piece of work, minors you force and efforts needed to deform the material, option to work with metals that are fractured when they are worn out in cold, properties of force generally isotrópicas and, finally, there do not happen hardenings of parts due to the processes of work.
Operations of Court: Cizallado Operation of court of sheets that consists of diminishing the sheet to a minor size. The metal to do it it is submitted to two cutting edges.
In the troquelado sheets are cut submitting them to shear forces developed between a punch and a counterfoil, it differs from the cizallado since alone the latter diminishes the size of sheet without giving him any form.
The laminated one is a process in the one that diminishes the thickness of a long piece across forces of compression exercised by a game of rollers, which turn pressing and pulling the piece between them.
The extrusion is a process for compression in which the metal of work is forced to flow across the opening of in view of to give him form to his transverse section. Examples of this process are hollow sections, as pipes, and a variety of forms in the transverse section.

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